
ChGa:   He's my favorite.  I spend the most of my time thinking about his actions.  There is no clear why, although i have ideas that help shape him.  Of course, I also find myself seeking ways to redeem him.  He's made bag choices.  He did something awful to someone he claimed to love.  At the end of the day, he was young and stupid.  The most important part is that every story has two sides.  He has a side of the story we have not heard.  Yes, the big deal items are consistent from her point of view and his, but his reasons are different.  In each story, both people have a vastly different POV of why.  She was looking for something, someone who could build a dog house.  He was looking for a release.

That's my biggest reason for letting that story contiue.  The end is not the end.  


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